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#1 2025-01-19 22:29:01

Registered: 2025-01-19
Posts: 2

Problem with Pacman -Syu and multilib.db

Hi everyone. I recently installed archlinux 32 on a pentium 4 pc I found.

I followed the steps in the installation guide, although I had to use a lot of outside information to figure out some things and solve several problems (like the keys problem).

I'm now figuring out what to do with the OS, now I'm looking at the recommendations section.

So I tried to install a repository, so I went to pacman.conf and added (it wasn't there) [multilib]
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist (I assume I didn't type it wrong, because I've checked it several times and it doesn't seem to be commented or misspelled)

After saving, use the pacman -Syu command to update it.

but when I did that it loaded the core, extra and community correctly, but the multilib.db gave me this error message:

error: failed retrieving file "multilib.db" from : the requested uril returned error :404.

to clarify two things, first, I did not update the mirror list because when I opened it it was already updated, that is, I had the same links in the file on my computer as in the recommended ones on the website, the other, I have no idea how to copy my screen, since it is not a virtual machine, it is a thinkpad pc.

if there are already answers to this problem I apologize for reposting, I have searched but have not found anything.


#2 2025-01-21 14:29:38

From: Zurich
Registered: 2019-11-14
Posts: 1,066

Re: Problem with Pacman -Syu and multilib.db

There is no multilib on Archlinux32, multilib is on Archlinux upstream to support 32-bit binaries..
There could be packages which are in multilib (wine comes to my mind), which are in multilib upstream and
should maybe be in extra on Archlinux32?

Which package are you trying to install?


#3 2025-01-22 04:32:00

Registered: 2025-01-19
Posts: 2

Re: Problem with Pacman -Syu and multilib.db

abaumann wrote:

There is no multilib on Archlinux32, multilib is on Archlinux upstream to support 32-bit binaries..
There could be packages which are in multilib (wine comes to my mind), which are in multilib upstream and
should maybe be in extra on Archlinux32?

Which package are you trying to install?

Yes, you are right, I used the arch linux guide and therefore it caused me several confusions.

I really don't have a package in mind right now, I still need to check the repositories more thoroughly.

Aside from the list of packages found on this page, where else can I find 32 bit compatible repositories?


I'm pretty new to linux.

but I can say that archlinux forces you to learn quickly hahaha


#4 2025-01-22 07:41:49

From: Zurich
Registered: 2019-11-14
Posts: 1,066

Re: Problem with Pacman -Syu and multilib.db

There are not many 32-bit distros left. Of the Archlinux-alikes Parabola still supports the 32-bit architecture, but they basically have the same core/extra packages as we have (in fact, we share them mostly).
Otherwise you can use the AUR and just adapt the arch=('x86_64') to arch=('x86_64', 'pentium4', 'i686', 'i486') and build the packages from the AUR on your own (as long as they
still run on 32-bit). There is documentation in this forum on how to do that.

Building packages from the AUR for 32-bit is documented here:


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