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i found an old macbook from 2007.
i believe the spec is … specs.html
since this does not allow usb boot, I was wondering if I could plug in a sata ssd drive to my other pc and install the arch 32 on it, and then simply replace the macbook hard drive with this new sata ssd. (i found a compatible one)
would this be possible?
could you direct me to a page if it is possible?
thank you
Isn't that CPU 64-bittish?
Speaking of Mac Books, they usually have an early 32-bit EFI (which is fun to use).
Chances are that you can follow the way here: … ook-a1211/
Using 'refit' to boot a 64-bit kernel from a 32-bit EFI.
but this macbook doesn't allow usb boot.
and it seems like the direction of that link is using a usb.
Did you try this:
hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o archlinux-2018.09.01-x86_64.img archlinux-2018.09.01-x86_64.iso
dd if=archlinux-2018.09.01-x86_64.dmg of=/dev/disk2 bs=1m
If I remember correctly the USB stick needs to have a GUID partition to be bootable.
The A1211 and the A1181 are not that different.
What about booting from CD with a DVD? Does it support DVDs?
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