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haskell-pipes-http, haskell-servant-server and hindent fail with similar messages:
<command line>: cannot satisfy -package-id http-client-
http-client- is unusable due to shadowed dependencies:
bytestring- text- http-types-0.9.1-4bB5vMj0wc7H0s2DJoYpPW blaze-builder- time- network- streaming-commons-0.1.18-DO9CaqvVOYhDrA5bma8vy4 containers- case-insensitive- base64-bytestring- cookie- random-1.1-DtLcP2Z2iOOC0RwcSmXjBK mime-types- network-uri-
I think, I might have broken some haskell stuff, but currently I have no idea what exactly.
because I'm too lazy to find out which haskell packages I need to rebuild, I rescheduled all of them - let's hope, that this fixes everything :-)
Pages: 1