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iḿ very new to arch32 and i could not find the way to bring bluetooth alive
i downloaded several packages but nothing gives me a possibility to awake it
i looked up at aur but i do not know howto install from aur
can you help me
The arch64 wiki contains a page describing everything you could ever need to know about AUR: The only complication for us is we often need to modify the PKGBUILD and add our platform to the architecture= line, which will need to be one of 486, 686 or pentium4, but can be discovered by issuing a 'pacman-conf|grep Archi'.
Additionally to the prerequisted listed on that wiki page, you also want to install git most likely. Then git clone the url linked on the AUR page, modify the PKGBUILD, makepkg it, and finally pacman -U it.
Regarding your bluetooth woes, which network manager are you using? I understand nm-applet to be quite useful in setting up bluetooth connections, if you're happy with the compromises using that entails. I know netctl doesn't assist in bluetooth matters at all, and you need something like bluez-tools installed instead, although today in testing that out I'm getting the following error from all tools:
ERROR:lib/helpers.c:319:intf_supported: assertion failed: (introspection_proxy != NULL)
Bail out!
To be fair to it, I've no idea whether bluetooth is still working on the computer. I know the original wifi chipset has died, and now disappeared entirely from tools such as 'ip link', and perhaps the bluetooth setup was part of that.
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
thanks levi
in the installation of arch i remember having installed netctl 1.25-1.0
not working bluetooth
later on i installed everything i found of bluez:
blueman 2.1.4-1.2
bluez 5.60-1.0
bluez-cups 5.60-1.0
bluez-hid2hci 5.60-1.0
bluez-libs 5.60-1.0
bluez-plugins 5.60-1.0
bluez-qt 5.83.0-1.0
bluez-tools 0.2.0-5.0
bluez-utils 5.60-1.0
i had previously installed nm-connection-editor 1.22.0-1.0
but it seems not enough...
i was looking to pacman -S nm-applets but there is no such package
so what is my next step?
looking for the architecture of my samsung x-420 notebook
in applications/system/system settings it opened a window only showing wireless connections
and only showed me bluetooth, even if wifi is active and working
clicking on bluetooth it shows me bluetooth is on and searching but it seems not finding any device...
Maybe because you misspelled pamac-aur?
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
clicking on bluetooth it shows me bluetooth is on and searching but it seems not finding any device...
Try 'rfkill' to see if your bluetooth concection is blocked. Mine was, and I unblocked it by doing an 'rfkill unblock' with the connection number listed in the previous call (called with superuser privs). Unfortunately 'bt-adaptor --list' still produces that assertion error I posted earlier, so it seems bluez-tools might still be performing suboptimally on arch32.
Last edited by levi (2021-07-23 21:07:10)
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
hm i tried rfkill
thats the output
[rodi@arch32 ~]$ rfkill
1 wlan samsung-wlan desbloqueado desbloqueado
2 wlan phy0 desbloqueado desbloqueado
3 bluetooth hci0 desbloqueado desbloqueado
thanks for the answer
hm i tried rfkill
thats the output
[rodi@arch32 ~]$ rfkill
1 wlan samsung-wlan desbloqueado desbloqueado
2 wlan phy0 desbloqueado desbloqueado
3 bluetooth hci0 desbloqueado desbloqueado
thanks for the answer
If my translation is up to scratch, that indicates everything in unblocked, so that's not a problem. Good to know at least.
What does 'bt-adapter --list' do on your system?
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
Pages: 1