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Hi, I am having trouble trying to build an iso. I'm assuming that im doing it the wrong way cuz im stupid.
Running sudo ./ returns the following error:
ERROR: Profile '/home/civilized/Documents/archiso32/configs/releng/install' does not exist!
hope you can help me and hope that I don't look too stupid
Hi, sorry for the late answer.
You find information here:
- the adapted standard ISO for i686/pentium4 following upstream
- an unfinished and alpha ISO for i486 with limited memory (not following upstream at all)
- the build-* scripts. they work on our infrastructure only, but they can serve as a source of inspiration :-)
The instructions in are weird:
build-i686 and build-dual look like old Vagrant scripts and look fairly obsolete
build-isos completely fails for me: my mkarchiso (from archiso32) has a different syntax (init install prepare etc.),
also I get errors like [mkarchiso] ERROR: The file 'work/iso/isolinux/isolinux.bin' does not exist.
I cannot find instructions upstream how to properly use mkarchiso (call init, then install or what in what order with
which parameters).
I'm lost and cannot build an ISO.. :-)
My 486 CDROM build script is broken at the moment, it copies a strange menu onto the ISO (I cannot remember adding the Hardware detection tool there?),
I suspect a problem in syslinux on the host. Also it boots /dev/sda3 (I fail to see where this comes from, the sda3 is a RAID on my machine). And quite some
of the boot parameter (/dev/sr0 is not always the boot device).
Ah so we still need to say no to using zram like the news article says.
Last edited by levi (2022-02-11 21:21:42)
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
Yes, and archinstall is rough around some corners (like partitioning).
zram is not an option when you want to hibernate, then you need a swap partition.
I find it far easier for me to use fdisk than archinstall to do the partitioning, but I guess, that's personal taste.
Yes, I also prefer to use fdisk than letting installers do it. I remember installing Debian Squeeze on this laptop, and in its partitioning gui I couldn't grok exactly what it was going to do, but at least I was going to blat the entire disk, so it was only a matter of having to rerun the installer if I got it wrong. If I was trying to preserve an other OS partition I'd have had no chance.
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
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