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I can build this package locally:
==> Making package: python-tinycss2 0.6.1-1 (Thu Oct 12 08:52:20 CEST 2017)
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Downloading tinycss2-0.6.1.tar.gz...
-> Found tinycss2-0.6.1.tar.gz
==> Installing python-tinycss2 package group with pacman -U...
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...Packages (2) python-tinycss2-0.6.1-1 python2-tinycss2-0.6.1-1
Total Installed Size: 1.17 MiB
Now the buildmaster shows a completly different package:
==> Making package: python-tinycss 0.4-2 (Thu Oct 12 07:43:54 CEST 2017)
==> Retrieving sources...
-> Found tinycss-0.4.tar.gz
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
tinycss-0.4.tar.gz ... Passed
So, why is there a 'python-tinycss' package built in 'python-tinycss2'?
Isn't that another package? Was there a rename of the package which causes
I have to admit, I don't really understand the SVN, git relation and recency of
the Archlinux repositories, they don't seem to be all in sync all the time.
And do only developers see the really new versions of a package? What is
shown in svn2git, what is in the public git repos, etc. Any hints welcome. :-)
Last edited by andreas_baumann (2017-10-12 08:07:58)
you seem to be right: this seems wrong - I'll have a look sunday evening
it looks like the git hash was outdated (there was no package python-tinycss2 in that revision)
hmm, the build tools seem to extract the wrong PKGBUILD - that's probably my fault :-/
oh, the "new" git hash was still too old - the "really new" one works :-)
sweet. the module passed. :-)
Pages: 1