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Pages: 1
I did not saw where to present me. Admin can move this post to appropriate section. Then, really my name is adrianomorselli, but 1st my attempt to register me to this forum with hotmail was wrong, but with my wife gmail all goes well. I'm a developer from a little distro, Uplos … php?fid=25 and I'm here for two reasons: Uplos is a rolling distro, like archlinux, we use rpm but many problematics are the same; I would like to make a twinning with your forum, if we join forces we can do more and better. I known that you are few but your community it's increasing. We are even lesser but after PclinuxOs abbandoned 32bit from about a year, we have ISO's and we can grant to users normal updates. I'm happy to join this community
Did I a mistake? This is not a forum about 32bit? If you do not want my/our (uplos) help and knownledge no matter but reply to me: yes we can twin our forum with liberainformatica or no we are not interesting in...
Sry, I just saw the topic now.
I don't see much in common between our distributions, but feel free to link to issues discussed here in your forum and we will feel free to link to any issues anyone else porting to i686 has (including you) :-)
I wish you the best - i686 rulez :-)
Best regards,
Do you not see much in common? Love for gnu-linux, rolling system, 32bit system? Yeah, package system is different, core is different, but our idea is that abbandon 32bit now it is not a great idea, that it is not truth or real that 64bit gives more facilities than 32bit. Anyway our forum it is free to see if we solved problems you did not and I hope that I can do the same on this forum
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