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Pages: 1
Another "new' machine, running with the i686 version of the packages (as long as I stay in text mode, this
words. Later I might have to downgrade to the i486 version).
Pentium II, the motherboard has integrated SCSI support (Adaptec AHA-2940U2/U2W).
I have two 64 GB disks in there.
The machine was a Silverstone case (for an old PVR, where the motherboard died).
The CDROM died, so rescue operations happen via Compact Flash on an external
PATA connection:
The hard disks have gone "3978 days" without checking, which is a personal record:
Even the SCSI host adapter is not amused about the age of the hard disk (this is
a SMART message I cannot easily remove - especially annoying as I have to press
Enter on every reboot):
This is one half of the mirror BTW. :-)
This is one half of the mirror BTW. :-)
Erk! Oh well, as long as it's load balanced with something a bit more trustworthy!
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
Yeah. With a 'Core 2' CPU machine, which is actually a 64-bit machine. :-)
So, the main mirror is back on the 64-bit Archlinux machine, this old Pentium II machine is serving now only
as 'hot standby' and test machine. :-)
maybe we should start posting pictures of all our core infrastructure (but my desk is too messy, I don't want to take a photo of the banana pi serving
Perfect timing for a desk cleanup. :-)
Pages: 1