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JFYI most kernels crash on Windows 10 Hyper-V:
- 3.16.46 works
- 3.18.60 works
- 4.1.42 hangs
- 4.4.112 crashes
- 5.4.39 works
- 5.4.44 crashes
- 5.4.46 crashes
- 5.6.11 works
- 5.6.15 crashes
- 5.7.2 crashes
Unfortunately, no one knows or cares about this exotic configuration, so I'm basically on my own.
The Microsoft team is ready to help, but they use Debian as a reference, so at least we need to have lts-debian package, with the same config. Also building older lts branches is complicated because the 686 configs were removed by the Archlinux upstream.
Finally, there is a special Hyper-V kernel in Clearlinux, so porting those config and patches to i686 would improve Hyper-V support.
If anyone is interested in 32-bit Hyper-V, feel free to cooperate
Ok here is an update in case anyone needs Hyper-V working but can't hack kernel. Stock packages - both linux and linux-lts both crash. 4.4.y crashes in vmbus initialization, 5.x crash in the paravirtualized TLB flush and I have a suspected commit.
Working versions:
- 3.16.85
- 3.18.140
- 4.13.6
- 4.19.146
I can provide with PKGBUILDs or package files if you need them.
Working versions:
- 5.4.128
- 5.4.174
- 5.12.10
- 5.10.44
- 5.15.7
- 5.15.14
Not working:
- 3.16.85 (worked before)
- 3.18.140 (worked before)
- 4.1.52
- 4.4.300
- 4.4.258
- 4.13.6
- 4.19.195
Last edited by nimnul (2022-01-29 21:16:16)
Pages: 1